Tag: reading

  • On Books and Bees

    I went to the library and found all the best fairy books in the kids section. I came home with one called the Faerie Door and I’m almost done with it. My favorite thing about libraries is that you can just sit there and read and no one bothers you and then you can bring…

  • Fantasy and SciFi Book List

    To read or finish in no particular order: Inheritance Circle: Eldest, Brisingr, Inheritance Lord of The Rings (finish) The Hobbit Game of Thrones (finish) Artemis Fowl Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy Enders Game 1984 (finish) Name of the Wind The Sandman The Mists of Avalon Rangers Apprentice Inkheart Leviathan Wakes Faery Rebels I’d like to…

  • Well, you know, plans…

    Well, you know, plans…

    I had a list, right? I know it’s only been a week, but for some reason it seems to be a list of I’m-going-to-do-the-ones-that-involve-mail-but-maybe-not-anything-else instead. Which is great, actually, because I’ve accomplished several other big things since writing that list. Launched the Freeport Creative Arts website! (check it out, it’s epic) Delivered book to Library…

  • Entertainment


    Every so often art, technology, and entertainment are made to be some kind of new evil. Articles, emails, and teachings are produced – mocking and and devaluing the art and the industry that is a large part of our world. Many good things have fallen victim to this, and many people (myself included) have spent…

  • When the internet is boring

    When the internet is boring

    It’s time to do something else. I should do that more often really. Last night I got bored, and after staring blankly at my screen hoping for something interesting, I went into my [newly re-arranged, and significantly warmer – who knew keeping the bed off the baseboards would allow the heat to flow?] bedroom and…

  • Thanks Mr. Marketing Book

    Thanks Mr. Marketing Book

    Yesterday I spent the afternoon reading the most boring (and it’s not that boring) of the books from my most recent library trip. Low Budget Marketing For Small Businesses which talked a lot about websites and the internet (obviously). The book is a little old (2003) but I figured some ideas would probably help. Although, I…

  • Library l00t

    Library l00t

    I went to the library today and got on a book binge. I brought back so many books that I thought I was going to have to put some back, and bought a library bag when I realized that there probably wasn’t much of a book limit and my 7 6 (I really can count) books…

  • Everyone Is An Artist

    Everyone Is An Artist

    (or what I learned from The Everyday Work of Art) I started thinking about this a while ago after reading The Everyday Work Of Art  and it kinda stuck out. I’ve heard a lot of people say “I’m just not artistic”, and I spent years telling myself the same thing. “I can’t draw”, “I’m not…

  • Ding!


    Fun Stuff I hit level 75 in WoW today, finally! I’ve been super super awful about playing lately, so today I decided to just do that instead of sitting at my computer debating about doing that, story boarding, or making the bed and spending the whole time flicking through facebook, etsy, pinterest, and random blogs…

  • Fairy Stories

    Fairy Stories

    It’s been a while since I’ve read a book that was incredibly hard to put down. I started reading Faerie Wars last night and read it after I woke up/ate lunch and have had a really hard time stopping. I’m really late to the discovery of fantasy as I never really had much of a…