Tag: goals

  • Brrrr


    My brain has been working overtime the last few days, but today, all it can think is “COLD COLD COLD GO AWAY”. So there’s this snowstorm in April, and I’m bundled, sitting in front of a fire and still freezing. I look outside the window and all I can see is white fog, with grey…

  • Trying New Things

    Trying New Things

    I’ve been feeling discouraged lately, I want to be able to contribute to living and stuff financially because I think it’d be nice (even though it’s not totally necessary), but the winter messes with my health (ALOT)  and there are times when I spend days just unable to do much, or feeling so bad that…

  • Progress (Already!)

    Progress (Already!)

    Last month, around this time, I wrote three posts of things I want to do/accomplish this year personally, artistically, and with my book. Personally, I’ve done two (3 if you count the oregon trip as a personal vacation and not a couples one) – I’ve gotten myself a bathing suit that I look *cute* in…

  • Bad Artist

    Bad Artist

    So I didn’t do anything today or yesterday…because yesterday I had my first ever massage and body wrap which was utterly and completely amazing! Today we mostly hung out, so I don’t have an excuse besides just being tired. Tomorrow I’ll be getting my finished ceramics and packing, but I *might* still be able to…

  • Balloon Lady Vlog

    Balloon Lady Vlog

    Decided to release some cool updates and answer a great question in a video (that I posted on the facebook page). You can find the PDF referenced by clicking here.

  • What I want to do this year: Personal Edition

    What I want to do this year: Personal Edition

    I think one of the biggest things I’m going to learn this year is balance – how to balance my work and personal life. I suck at it, so much. With that in mind though, the last and final list of things I want to do for myself/because it’d be good. * I want to…

  • What I want to do this year: Art Edition

    What I want to do this year: Art Edition

    I’ve spent months putting together plans and ideas for what I’d like to do over the next year (or several) some parts are more developed than others, but here it is. * March/April/May – Launch online art gallery with sets and random original pieces. * Make Watercolor Business Cards/ACEO * Sets: Sci-Fi inspired, Anonymous Fairies,…

  • What I want to do this year: Book Edition

    What I want to do this year: Book Edition

    I’m not totally into making goals or new years resolutions. Although I think goal setting is a good idea in general – I like to leave myself a little bit of the-world-will-not-end-if-I-don’t-make-it room. I’ve had so many ideas since September/October though, that at this point, it doesn’t make sense not to make a list to…