Tag: goals

  • Best Laid Plans

    Best Laid Plans

    Are in my notes app. Mini meltdowns and overload of thoughts generally = focus and plans in the aftermath. I guess I’ve honed the skill of turning breakdowns into something useful over the years. The overwhelmingly trapped feeling gives way to “fuck it, I’m going to do some stuff, and I’m going to write it…

  • Change


    Last year, I wrote about how I felt different on my birthday, because I had finally given myself permission to live. I referred back to that permission throughout the year in different ways, and I think I’ll continue to refer back to it (remembering, that being myself is a life journey, not something accomplished in one…

  • New Things and Accomplishments

    New Things and Accomplishments

    Last year, around this time, I made a list of 21 things I wanted to do (because I turned 21):   I’m really proud of myself for getting so much of it done! This year I just put down a lot of things I wanted to do between 2.28.13 and 2.28.14:   “old things” are…

  • Sea Buckthorn and etc

    Sea Buckthorn and etc

    I took the week off of face stuff last week, and gave my skin a rest. Also, I was tired of poking my eyes so frequently (and I was hoping for the acne to quell). A friend of mine recommended some Sea Buckthorn oil, and while I was at whole foods over the weekend (to find…

  • Starting Out Of Order

    Starting Out Of Order

    Sometimes I feel strange because all of the major life events happened to me before the normal life stuff. I graduated at 15, which I thought was cool at the time. I find myself now, questioning whether or not I was actually ready then. A lot of the outside-of-school skills most people learn in high…

  • KieryGeek Preproduction Note 4: I'm Done with Preproduction!

    KieryGeek Preproduction Note 4: I'm Done with Preproduction!

    Well, at least the part that involves all the season set up. I’ll have ongoing preproduction forever, and I still need to memorize my script and take some gaming footage, but earlier this week I sent out the emails I needed to send out – which was the last thing on my list of things…

  • Ignition


    The things that ignite my soul are the things that I try to {re}create and do. Sometimes I get overwhelmed because I try to do everything and learn ALL the things, and sometimes I have to remind myself that I can do things and that I have goals and plans and ambitions and reasons. I…

  • Well, you know, plans…

    Well, you know, plans…

    I had a list, right? I know it’s only been a week, but for some reason it seems to be a list of I’m-going-to-do-the-ones-that-involve-mail-but-maybe-not-anything-else instead. Which is great, actually, because I’ve accomplished several other big things since writing that list. Launched the Freeport Creative Arts website! (check it out, it’s epic) Delivered book to Library…

  • Listy-list


    To help myself stay focused I occasionally make myself a “Things I want to do this week” list. This aids the I-already-filmed-now-what-do-I-do crisis of focus that has become a weekly phenomenon. I use the phrase “want to do”, because saying things I “need to do” usually ends up leading me into a week of depression for not doing…

  • Inspiration to Start

    Inspiration to Start

    Some people say that the best thing to do when you want to learn – is copy someone you like or inspires you. This will help you start doing things, and start learning, while simultaneously discovering your voice. My interests are wide, varied, and occasionally unrelated. I struggle most with deciding what to focus on…