Month: May 2012

  • Painting Progress

    Painting Progress

  • Success can be scary

    Success can be scary

    I didn’t know that making progress could be a scary thing. I’m ridiculously proud of how my artistry is developing and I’m at the point where I look at the things I’ve recently done and feel proud, and feel like I captured what I intended to capture. It’s wonderful, and yet, almost paralyzingly scary –…

  • The Outbreak (2)

    The Outbreak (2)

    “It appears that the case containing a weaponized smallpox virus is missing” stated the man, as calmly as possible to the room of colorless faces. Fear-struck questions filled the air before he’d finished speaking. Sighing, he sunk into a chair and waited for the crowd to calm down before continuing. — The Chem lab on…

  • Untitled post 2699

  • Inspiration to Start

    Inspiration to Start

    Some people say that the best thing to do when you want to learn – is copy someone you like or inspires you. This will help you start doing things, and start learning, while simultaneously discovering your voice. My interests are wide, varied, and occasionally unrelated. I struggle most with deciding what to focus on…

  • Skill Set

    Skill Set

    I’ve set out to do several things this year. I’ve listed twenty-one of them, but I have a few things that aren’t specifically on my list. Much of that includes things I’m trying to learn and skills I’d like to develop. I feel that I am uniquely qualified for some things because of how my life…

  • Entertainment


    Every so often art, technology, and entertainment are made to be some kind of new evil. Articles, emails, and teachings are produced – mocking and and devaluing the art and the industry that is a large part of our world. Many good things have fallen victim to this, and many people (myself included) have spent…

  • The Outbreak

    The Outbreak

    The train screeched into the station as if in a hurry. A man in a black suit with a briefcase got up and went to the door as it lurched to a halt. He disappeared as soon as the doors opened. — A small town in the middle of nowhere. The semester just ended and…

  • iBookstore!


    Over the weekend my book has been completed and is now officially available for the iPad in the iBookstore!

  • Babies, bathwater, and shit in the brownies

    Babies, bathwater, and shit in the brownies

    Whenever people write about something remotely controversial the people who disagree generally respond with “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!” and occasionally the  viewpoint opposite will make a retort about how if you had a brownie with dog shit in it you wouldn’t eat it. My response to the two of them are…