Inspirational Wednesday

Earlier this year I signed up for an email list called The Brave Girls Club. Everyday they send me an email with a letter. I don’t read all of them, but sometimes (a lot of times) they write something that I *really* needed to hear and know about myself and it makes me really happy. Something as simple as a generic email that they send to thousand of women who need to hear the same thing whether they know it or not – makes me feel special, because it feeds a bit of my soul with truths about myself I would never admit. I’ve been wanting to share one here for a while, but never really knew if I should or not. But it inspires me, and makes me feel good, so I thought today that I’d share what’s been helping me a little bit over the year…

Brave Girls Club Email


  1. Ilovemeflora Avatar

    I like that letter too. 🙂

  2. frogla (Heather Magee) Avatar
    frogla (Heather Magee)

    i just liked their facebook page and have been reading their blog thanks to you!!! i love this article you posted!!

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